Yachtmakler Bremen – Thomas Thiel

Thomas Thiel was born on 7 April 1977 in Rostock, the youngest son of a seafaring family. His close connection to water sports was instilled in him by his father and his proximity to the Baltic Sea.
After leaving school, Thomas Thiel began his commercial training at Deutsche Bahn AG, which he successfully completed and was immediately assigned responsible tasks by his employer. Shortly after completing his training, he became a general youth and trainee representative at DB-Fernverkehr and later continued his career at DB AG in Bremen.
But after just a few years, Thomas Thiel was drawn back to his roots and began working as a boat salesman at Marina Oberweser. There he not only learnt sales skills, but also acquired knowledge about motorboats, sailing boats, boat engines and the technical equipment of the vessels. At Marina Oberweser, he sold over 100 new and used boats, including the Quicksilver brand.
Over time, Thomas Thiel's goals changed and in 2013 he finally became self-employed and founded his company, YACHTMAKLER Bremen, with its own boat hire and small fleet in Bremen's Überseestadt district.
At the end of 2014, he began working with the renowned company Drettmann Yachts GmbH in Bremen. This positive cooperation also brought new experiences in the area of new and used boats from 50 feet.
Thomas Thiel became a Jeanneau partner in 2015 and has been a Jeanneau dealer for Bremen and the North Sea ever since. In 2021, the new company headquarters in Bremen Hemelingen, Arberger Hafendamm 3, 28309 Bremen, was realised. In addition to a beautiful office, a hall space is now also available. As an authorised, official specialist dealer for the brands JEANNEAU, Zodiac and Yamaha engines, YACHTMAKLER Bremen GmbH offers all services.
The new brand BOOTSTEPPICH24.DE by YACHTMAKLER Bremen GmbH was also founded in 2021 and is already successfully positioned on the market with high-quality boat carpets.
Thomas Thiel: ‘I am 100% and more behind my profession as a yacht broker - it is my absolute dream job. I meet a lot of very interesting people in my day-to-day work and working with customers in my profession of water sports fulfils me. For me, the customer always comes first. I make sure that I personally accompany my customers from the very beginning to the handover of the boat. Even after a project has been completed, I am always on hand to offer my customers help and advice on their new boat. I'm already looking forward to the next project!’
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Yachtmakler Bremen - Yvonne Thiel

Yvonne Thiel was born 1988 in Achim near Bremen growing up in her loving family which is affine in watersports since two generations. With six years old she got her own little optimist sailing boat starting sailing on the river Weser. As teenager she switched to a 420 and laser sailing dinghy and later to the motor boat Christo Mare 31.
After graduating from school with a perfect certification Yvonne Thiel started her trainee at the Drettmann Yachts GmbH Bremen in 2006. After shortened trainee time she started her career as assistant of the CEO in sales and marketing and got special knowledge in yachting and superyachts and also received a lot of experience in international boat business.
After her marriage in August 2015 with Thomas Thiel and the birth of their son Tom in September 2015 they both decided that the idea working together should be realized soon.
In teamwork it is now the common goal to lead the company YACHTMAKLER Bremen GmbH and to represent the international known brands JEANNEAU, YAMAHA and Zodiac and to mediate second hand boat sales.
In 2021 the new own brand BOOTSTEPPICH24.DE by YACHTMAKLER Bremen GmbH was founded and is already successfully producing high quality boat carpets.
Yvonne Thiel: “I grew up with the hobbie watersports and I feel comfortable everywhere water is running and a nice breeze is blowing. Leading our company the YACHTMAKLER Bremen GmbH together with my husband Thomas is a big task and I am very happy to undertake it for 100%!”